Screenwriting : Now more than ever by Cheryl Allen

Cheryl Allen

Now more than ever

The world needs us.

The creatives. The ones who can spin a yarn and create universes far beyond our own.

The ones who can divert attention away from a world spiraling seemingly into madness.

The ones who can create laughter and make us forget just for a moment what our 401k looks like and who might have coughed on us and just where the hell all the toilet paper is.

The world needs us to remind them of their own resiliency. The world needs us to infuse hope and remove fear and if nothing else to create a diversion from all this heaviness so we don't all lose our minds.

So what if we don't drive trucks or stock stores. So what if we aren't on the front lines in our hospitals, helping the weak, the sick or the frightened. (Yes, those are our heroes right now and with good reason!).

We still have a job to do.

I hope no matter where you are reading this that you take your job as a storyteller seriously and that you put aside your own fears and not let it shut your own creativity down. You matter. You heal.

And most importantly, I hope wherever you are you are safe.

Blessings and light to each of you...

Jason Mirch


Jim Boston

Cheryl, thank you so much for that message.

And all the VERY BEST to you!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Just loving this message, Cheryl!

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolute perfection, Cheryl. Thank you for posting, sharing, and spreading the love.

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