Introduce Yourself : Reintroducing myself, self-isolation edition by Pj Perez

Pj Perez

Reintroducing myself, self-isolation edition

You know, it's funny, because I work alone so often and don't leave the house that much, this mandated stay-at-home stuff hasn't felt very different from usual, personally speaking. Except for the anxiety about running out of household supplies I definitely took for granted before (and learning how many conference calls my wife participates in daily).

Anyway, hi, it's me, Pj. I'm a recovering journalist, former comic book editor, and habitual filmmaker / video producer. I'm in the final stages of editing my first feature-length documentary (about the rise and fall of alternative culture in Las Vegas in the 1990s), have unsuccessfully been shopping around a couple of TV pilots, and am in the process of developing various scripted and unscripted projects (including a reality series with a pilot/POC in the can).

I'm currently based in lovely Huntington Beach, California, so I often collaborate with folks in both Orange and Los Angeles counties. Happy to connect with anyone, but especially folks in Southern California to bounce ideas off of and potentially collaborate with.

Hope you're all staying safe out there!

Pj Perez

Likewise, Maurice Vaughan !

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you as always, Pj. Cheers.

Kevin Mcpherson Eckhoff

HI Pj. What's the name of your documentary? Will keep an eye out for it. Feeling a kinship, as I usually work alone, too. Nice to e-meet you! Cheers!

Pj Perez

Hey Kevin Mcpherson Eckhoff PARKWAY OF BROKEN DREAMS. Dig the trailer & details:

Pj Perez

Richard "RB" Botto thanks, always happy to be here. I know it's not as frequent as I'd like.

Mike Pascale

Hello, Pj--great post. As a freelancer I also work from home anyway and have watched my wife do the conference call thing. Thankfully my studio is upstairs and her new office is downstairs so I don't bug her much. LOL Best of success with your projects--and getting those supplies!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hopefully you will make the choice to change that, Pj Perez!

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