Animation : Animation co-productions by David Zannoni

David Zannoni

Animation co-productions

Hey Stage 32 community! I would love to know if there are any filmmakers currently working on animation co-productions; co-production between two or more countries, and how you manage distribution rights and revenues amongst the co-production partners. Any input would be welcome! Thanks

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, David Zannoni! Nice to meet you! Have you tried posting this in the Producing Lounge? I feel like there may be a great response to "rights and revenues":

Also, there was a super-helpful webinar I remember seeing about co-productions, and the executive is well-versed in working with both the U.S. and overseas:

David Zannoni

Thanks Karen, for your feedback!

Rajesh Banga

Hi David, We are currently working on two animation features... Let me know if you need any details , I can give you my feedback on the rights

David Zannoni

Thanks Rajesh. Are you producing? I would love to have a conversation, when you have time.

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