Introduce Yourself : Bonjour Stage 32 ! by Creisson Soni

Bonjour Stage 32 !

First time on here, never knew such a networking platform existed. Feels great to be connected in one place together. I am still exploring and liking what I've seen so far. Look forward to chatting and working with y'all. Which top 3 services/education do you recommend?

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Creisson.

Creisson Soni

Thank you Wayne

Cannon Rosenau

I couldn't help you as far as an actor's standpoint, but there are a ton of resources, blogs, and webinars on here. Also, peer advice and camaraderie. Welcome!

Bernie Rosa

I'm new too! Great to meet you all

Heidi Schussman

Welcome to the family. On the right side of your screen is a constantly changing list of different Stage 32 members. Hover over their name and if they seem interesting click on their picture to read their profile. Then you can connect or not. Also make sure you go to the lounges that interest you. For example, I'm a screenwriter, so for sure I go there. But I'm also interested in producers and directors, and I'm interested in animation. Have fun!

Creisson Soni

Thank you Heidi, read about your work and chose to connect with you. I like how you mentioned that you liked Butterflies and Puppies haha. Thank you for the welcome and guideful info about stage 32

Creisson Soni

Great to meet you as well Bernado, and good to know of your soundtrack projects !

Creisson Soni

Thank you Cannon, I dont know how you handle 4 dogs; kudos to you. Thank you for the info. I am joining a webinar soon and have a previous one that was eye opening

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