Acting : Free demo reels by Jeremy Leroux

Jeremy Leroux

Free demo reels

I'm accepting Rob's challenge. I have been doing this on other social media channels for a few weeks. FREE DEMO REEL EDITING For any STAGE 32 Actors who are needing to get demo reels done I am offering my services currently for free. The sign up google form is This includes any labor. There will be a small charge to cover costs of acquiring footage if that is required. Otherwise, it is completely FREE. I have found technical tasks keep my mind from wandering and is good for me. I'd love to help out our community by doing this small thing. You can sample reels here. Would love to get up to 1 or 2 a day.

Richard "RB" Botto

Who's Rob? ;)

Karen "Kay" Ross

OMG, Jeremy Leroux you're awesome! Are you still offering this?! I may send you my stuff, then! LOL!

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