Introduce Yourself : Looking for friends by Zen Braswell

Zen Braswell

Looking for friends

Hello everyone my name is Zen (I had nothing to do with it) and I am very excited to join "Stage 32". I am a writer, director and a producer for my own company Zen Films Productions based in Detroit, Michigan. That is both what I am most proud of and my biggest hurdle, being in Detroit, so I am here to connect with people to learn more and possibly create connections that can help me with my projects. I have currently created 2 one hour drama series "Consequences" and "Operation: Get Money" with 10 episodes for each , with pitch decks ready to go but I need to know and be able to trust the right people to show it too. Help, I am in need of friends.

WL Wright

Trust Zen people here share their resumes. Pick one, so many are HUGE it's almost scary. lol Have fun and welcome. I joined recently too. So glad I'm here. Love the focus on just creative. It's wonderful.

Alfred Paolo Confiado

Very awesome of all that you've accomplished! I'm definitely hoping to get to create more awesome stories like you've been able to!

WL Wright

So nice Alfred thanks! I am still on the uphill climb but I have a pitch on a crazy TV comedy coming up this Sat. It's my first one ever in my life But I'm prepping and throwing myself into it.

Alfred Paolo Confiado

Dang! That's gotta be exciting though! I know we don't know each other, but, I have a great feeling you're going to do great! Good Luck, bud!

Janet Torreano Pound

Hi Zen, I'm in West Bloomfield, surprised our paths haven't crossed. Congrats on all the work you've done

Bill Albert

Hi, good luck. Have you checked the Pitch Sessions under Script Services? I've been going through them regularly and have had two producers request more info. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a positive response from one. It's the best way you can get the right person to see your stuff. They give you plenty of information on what the producers and agents are looking for so you don't waste time or money on someone who's simply not looking for what you've got.

Allen Lynch

Welcome Zen!

Zen Braswell

Hello to everyone!! This literally my first day and I am very impressed by the people and the networking but mad I am didn't know about this site sooner.. I plan to get involved in all the services and networking immediately and look forward to meeting so many like minded creators. Thanks for having me!!

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