Screenwriting : Screenplay Competition by Luke Fuller

Luke Fuller

Screenplay Competition

Does anyone know of any screenplay competitions that allow adaptations the writer does not own the rights to?

Luke Fuller

Thanks for the info Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services . I remember both of those shorts they were very good. (As a punisher fan I was especially a fan of Dirty Laundry). Obviously I have written one lol and I was hoping to use it to do as you said and show off any talent i may have. Guess I'll just edit it for funsies.

Nina Berlin

Writing adaptions for material with unsecured rights is generally frowned upon by script contests and film festivals. Have you thought about adapting public domain works? A lot of them out there.

Luke Fuller

Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Thanks Nick. That's a good way to look at it. At least my portfolio will have diverse samples. Dan MaxXx This was more so like a adaptation of a comic book run to a script. Nina Berlin I haven't really done anything with public domain characters yet. The story i did was just one that really made an impression on me when I read it. Thanks everyone!

Dawn Greenfield

If the author is still alive and you have not secured permission to adapt the work, you could be looking at a lawsuit. Always secure the rights before you even consider writing FADE IN.

William Martell


Luke Fuller

Dawn Greenfield the particular author on this work unfortunately passed away.

Dawn Greenfield

Luke, that's a different story. Try to contact his estate. If you know when he passed you can look up the obit online. That may lead you to relatives, an attorney, or someone who might be willing to discuss the book with you.

Luke Fuller

Thanks Dawn Greenfield ! I've been doing some digging but I haven't been able to come up with the info yet. But I'm sure something will turn up if i stay at it.

William Martell

Dead author = contact and negotiate with the publisher.

Copyright doesn't end with death.

WL Wright

No they all say you have to own the rights. Haven't seen one that hasn't mentioned it they all do.

Jack Binder

It is not recommended to write something you do not own the rights to. You cannot screen it, distribute it. You would be wasting your time. See if you can get the rights is my suggestion. If not, why spend the time?

Alex Moreno

Luke- For years i fought w/ the estate of a famous person I had written a script on... So- i got clever. I changed all the names and set it BEFORE this famous person was even born!!

Dawn Greenfield

That is correct, William Martell. However, the deceased author's estate/family can grant permission if the publisher isn't cooperative.

Luke Fuller

Alex Moreno i like the way you think lol.

Luke Fuller

Jack Binder because i already wrote it lol.

Luke Fuller

I checked the copyright registry and could not find the work registered there. I've found that the gentleman did have a co-author so I'm going to contact him. My idea is that if i edit the script and create a show bible. It will show that i truly care about the work and maybe he'll oblige some permission. IF not it's all good practice, so it's a win-win for me.

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