Introduce Yourself : Being productive with no deadlines by Jimmy Matlosz

Jimmy Matlosz

Being productive with no deadlines

Hey Folks: seems like the quarantining is normal to a degree for many of us freelancers who sit in front of our computers and strategize, write and pontificate.  But now the deadlines are more vague than ever.  For me personally I will share what I have done and perhaps inspire or you can share what you have done and inspire all of us as well:   

1. Re-imagined Memento:  while studying for my next screenplay, I was watching Memento and wondered how to write something that is not linear and of a different style.  I pondered does Memento work as a linear story.  is that how they wrote and filmed it?  was it realized in post?  So I re-edited/re-imagined the movie as a linear story.  If interested to watch as a learning tool hit me up I'll share the link.  

2. Secondly: we wrapped our pitch deck for 'The Soul Sister', after completing our pilot, which I co-wrote with Mallory Low, and submitted to FIND.  

3. I wrote a short film, inspired by isolation and a personal story, shooting first scenes tomorrow.  

4. Securing paid work, by leveraging talents.

5. Dusting off the screenplay I had to shelf last year.

So come on share your accomplishments.  


Lastly: I have scheduled my first ZOOM table read Saturday 18th. I encourage many of you to do this. There are a lot of people who would love the opportunity to socialize and be productive at home with a drink of choice.

Sandra K. Lynne

Wow, Jimmy, that really sounds great!! Would love to know more about the table read.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely love every word of this post, Jimmy. Inspiring as hell. Great to have you here, my friend. Your kind of energy is always welcome.

And I agree with you on the table read. We hosted one here a few Fridays ago. It's available for free under the Education tab.

Jimmy Matlosz

The table read went great. Only one participant had tech issues. you can record them, announce to everyone you are recording the session and here is what else I might advise others:

1. once you commence there is no reason for video, have people turn off cameras, this may save data and make the audio signal cleaner

2. have everyone use a headset not computer audio.

3, instruct everyone to speak up and be clear.

4. non essential characters should mute, in between lines.

5. instruct everyone you will not read screen direction cues, this allows the dialogue to flow more.

6 . make it fun, do not offer direction, get all that started beforehand.

7. my reading was 111 pages it took us 2 hours. no one complained.

8. to do a Zoom session with a group you have to pay zoom. monthly or yearly, your choice.

I am considering doing another reading of another script in a week or two.


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