Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Titan Frey

Titan Frey


Hello everyone. My name is Travis Frey and I write under the name Titan Frey (Titan is my middle name). I'm an author and have published 9 books in total, 5 with a small press publisher and 4 as self-published. I have recently decided to try screenwriting and I have written a drama feature titled - Donate Life.

The logline- An emotional teen who struggles to find purpose in life breaks away from her dysfunctional and substance-impaired family to donate her kidney, never expecting the price of her action.

I'm a father of 2 beautiful little girls and I'm a living kidney donor. Stay safe everyone!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Nice to meet you, Titan!

My inital thoughts on your logline: it is definitely a coming-of-age drama, so kudos that the tone/genre are clear. I'd like to know what makes her emotional more so than other teenagers, because they are all emotional due to the hormonal condition. Also, why is she compelled to donate her kidney? Is this for someone she cares about or just to feel needed? There is a film out right now that this reminds me of:

I would highly recommend you check out the Writer's Room. Lots of good actionable activities to help screenwriters get feedback and stay productive.

Although, have you ever gotten professional coverage on your scripts? Highly recommended!

Titan Frey

Hello Karen, it's nice to meet you. I never heard of that film but the trailer looks great, I'll have to check it out. On my logline do you mean I should put more why she's emotional or more about the donation? In my story she's basically your normal teenage girl who struggles with what so many do, 'what am I going to do with my life?' With the kidney donation, she doesn't know who she's going to donate too, she realizes (through a few signs) that donating would be her 'calling' in life. So she plans to donate to a stranger. This story meant a lot to me to write since I donated by kidney and I am very proud of it. I sure will check out everything Stage 32 has to offer, I love what you guys do!

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