My love for TV has roots on Gilligan’s Island and my love for films came from the Planet of the Apes. Retelling a story for the tenth time can still choke me up and many YouTube videos can make me cry in Starbucks. I enjoy math, crosswords, bulldogs, and gymnastics. I’m an ENTJ and am Team Cap all day long. Fine food is wasted on me, yet I like craft beers. My greatest flaw and strength is being an eternal optimist.
I'm Co-President of Emerald Elephant Entertainment in L.A., have produced four feature films, all acquired for distribution. My producing partner, Penelope Korff, and I have eight feature films in development. Two of the produced films are on Amazon Prime Video. I'm a mentor in the PGA’s Diversity Workshop and on the PGA Education Committee. I was General Petraeus' media production advisor in Afghanistan, where I produced documentary shorts with Afghan crews. I was also a visiting film professor at the University of Notre Dame and instructor at The Los Angeles Film School.
Thanks, Maurice. You've done a lot, as well. Three paid gigs this year, two through Stage 32, is terrific! Keep it up!
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Inspiring bio Mr. McLaughlin. Aloha from Hawaii.
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Impressive resume. ENTJs are pretty awesome. They pair very well with INTJs :) I was curious have you ever considered doing reality TV production?
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Awesome stuff.. nice to meet you!
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Hi, how are you? Do you currently have any content you would like to have featured on a new film and tv streaming channel?
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Todd, congratulations on all your awards!
Robert, I have never been drawn to reality TV. Good to see another veteran here.
Thank you, Solange. Good to meet you, as well.
Hi Rueben, I don't have any recent content, just four films that have already been distributed. Thanks, though.