Introduce Yourself : Stay well everyone and have a great day! by Brian McLaughlin

Brian McLaughlin

Stay well everyone and have a great day!

My love for TV has roots on Gilligan’s Island and my love for films came from the Planet of the Apes. Retelling a story for the tenth time can still choke me up and many YouTube videos can make me cry in Starbucks. I enjoy math, crosswords, bulldogs, and gymnastics. I’m an ENTJ and am Team Cap all day long. Fine food is wasted on me, yet I like craft beers. My greatest flaw and strength is being an eternal optimist.

I'm Co-President of Emerald Elephant Entertainment in L.A., have produced four feature films, all acquired for distribution. My producing partner, Penelope Korff, and I have eight feature films in development. Two of the produced films are on Amazon Prime Video. I'm a mentor in the PGA’s Diversity Workshop and on the PGA Education Committee. I was General Petraeus' media production advisor in Afghanistan, where I produced documentary shorts with Afghan crews. I was also a visiting film professor at the University of Notre Dame and instructor at The Los Angeles Film School.

Brian McLaughlin

Thanks, Maurice. You've done a lot, as well. Three paid gigs this year, two through Stage 32, is terrific! Keep it up!

Todd Sorrell

Inspiring bio Mr. McLaughlin. Aloha from Hawaii.

Robert Russo

Impressive resume. ENTJs are pretty awesome. They pair very well with INTJs :) I was curious have you ever considered doing reality TV production?

Solange Plaza

Awesome stuff.. nice to meet you!

Rueben Wood

Hi, how are you? Do you currently have any content you would like to have featured on a new film and tv streaming channel?

Brian McLaughlin

Todd, congratulations on all your awards!

Brian McLaughlin

Robert, I have never been drawn to reality TV. Good to see another veteran here.

Brian McLaughlin

Thank you, Solange. Good to meet you, as well.

Brian McLaughlin

Hi Rueben, I don't have any recent content, just four films that have already been distributed. Thanks, though.

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