Screenwriting : What's the best way for a screenwriter to get noticed? by Marvin Serwanga

What's the best way for a screenwriter to get noticed?

Would it mainly be through competitions? Thanks.

William Martell

Competitions, networking, queries... And all of those things depend on great screenplays.

Erick Freitas

In all honesty - the better the screenplay - the easier it is. There are plenty of outlets between competitions, sites like inktip, stage32, and blacklist, networking etc. - but if you do all of those every day - 24 hours - and have a shit script - it doesn't matter. Concentrate on writing a great story.

Dan MaxXx

Peer referrals, success at another field (produced playwrights, Pulitzer Journalists & Authors, Cops, Soldiers, Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes - everyone wants to write pictures).

Perhaps performing your own material on stage & Youtube webisodes/TikTok. Screenwriter-actors like Tyler Perry, Issa Rae, Phoebe W-Bridge started at the bottom making their own stuff.

Jason Mirch

Hey Marvin Serwanga! I am the Director of Script Services. You're already on the right track! Get out there and connect with as many filmmakers, screenwriters, producers, and executives as possible. Constantly keep writing and creating. And make sure to get your work seen by industry pros who can give you real, actionable feedback and support. Drop me an email to - I would love to hear what you're working on and happy to help you in your process. Look forward to hearing from you!

Dan Guardino

I know one thing I did to get notices was to attach a couple of well-known directors to some of my screenplays.

Richard Buzzell

Kidnap a Kardashian - And live-stream it of course. That'll get you noticed.

Craig D Griffiths

This is going to sound like the most unhelpful advice in the world.

Write a great screenplay(s).

After all let’s say your screenplays are okay. You get noticed, and now you are known as the guy with “okay screenplays”.

There are so many screenwriters at the entry level we should be referred to as a flock or herd. How does one sheep stand out. Hmmm, perhaps be the most outstanding sheep in the flock. A sheep so outstanding people (even vegans) talk about it. A sheep that develops a buzz whenever the sheep is mentioned.

Strange metaphor. But the more I wrote it the better it was.

Rutger Oosterhoff

After writing a great screenplay... As all others say: NETWORKING. GET OUT THERE!! But that's is not the question you should have asked. The question you should have asked is: "How do I AGGRESSIVELY (taking risks and not doing the same thing as everybody else) network without being impolite. The answer: TRIAL AND ERROR (in a subtle way). Knowing that the better the 'SCREENPLAY-PRODUCER FIT' is; the more forgiving they will be.

I really like your "Kardashian" reality tv idea Richard. My version would be a tv show called:


Kidnap 5 Dutch 'past glory VIPs'. Dump them in the DESERT with 1 CANTEEN with DRUGGED water, and tell them there is a MOLE. Then tell them the last one standing will shine again in a tv show called "Marooned", presented by Kim Kardashian. Give them a choice: "Do I drink and hallucinate, or do dehydrate but keep a clear mind, brewing a plan, build alliances to be broken ... until I... still hallucinate. "

The final moments...

"... Oh, Patty Brard just cracked open my skull with a rock... shouldn't have told bad things about her in that show - what was it called ?- oh-yes, "Ranking the Stars". But hey, I must be hallucinating. And isn't that an OASIS, with Kim having a tropical cocktail in one hand and with the other waving at me; come and join the party. I'm almost there, the cocktail beginning, 'drink me, I want you!" , only one opponent to go. What's that right in front of me....? 'Looking up'...Yes, I see, I can still WIN -- when Patty gets eaten by that T-Rex"

Candice Delevante

Hey Marvin, I don't think people talk about mentorships enough when one is starting out as a writer. There are professional writers in Hollywood who still have consultants (they do it quietly). I also notice that people tend to dismiss festival exposure, unless it's Sundance.... I once heard Ava DuVernay say in a live webinar that it's not the only festival in town. I agree, and found it's a great way to get noticed. With a good script, you can make contacts that could lead to mentorships and/or collabs. And - I must take my own advice here - keep networking on S32. That's my two cents:) I hope this helps. PS: See Debbie Croysdale's post down below re: London Screenwriting Festival. In case you haven't been - it's in your nabe! Cheers.

Dan MaxXx

Just get an industry job. Get your hands dirty besides typing.

Dan MaxXx

Claude Gagne sounds good. At least you'll be around working people doing the same thing you want to do.

I was 17 years old and I walked past a TV shoot, hung out for a few hours and I asked a crew member if they're hiring. Guy gave me a phone number to call and two days later, I was hired as the Parking PA - I saved parking spaces from 1am to 5am for Teamster trucks.

Doug Nelson

Marvin - you could rollerblade naked and on fire along Sunset Boulevard - that'll get you noticed. Another idea is to create the best damn script the world has ever seen. The best way to get known is to just keep on keepin' on.

Richard Buzzell

I'm sure Doug was just kidding when he suggested creating the best damn script the world has ever seen. Obviously that'll get you nowhere. However, rollerblading down Sunset Blvd. while on fire has real potential. Live-stream it of course.

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

Dan Guardino how can one attach a well-known director or literally manager? I really don't know how to do that? Thanks

Stefano Pavone

I've been trying for 16 years - when I make it, I'll let you know how I made it.

Richard P. Alvarez

Write good scripts. Meet people. Don't be a dick.

Dan Maxx had a good point about working 'an industry job'. That's a great way to build contacts. I've worked in radio, television, theatre and film for my entire career. The more you can do - the more you will do. Work hard, be nice to people on the set or studio. DO FAVORS for folks, and they're likely to do favors for you. Now - is that to say all your relationships should be transactional? No. But if you're willing to help others - then others (you might not have even helped directly) will help you.

I've optioned scripts to producers I met at film festivals. (Literally while sharing barbecue in Austin). I've optioned scripts from listings online. I've optioned scripts because I knew someone when they were struggling - and later they became a producer. I've optioned scripts because I was working stunts on a set, and was chatting with a grip - who was friends with a producer - who was looking for a script 'just like that'.

"Get noticed" for being a hard working, creative and friendly person. Someone other people want to work with.

Dan Guardino

Onwukwe. I got my agent by calling the different agencies up every time I finished writing a screenplay. I attached three directors to three different screenplays by calling and sending them query letters via email. Action Directors tend to have a lot of connections because they work on so many projects and connections are everything.

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