Introduce Yourself : (re) Introduction by Simon Driscoll

Simon Driscoll

(re) Introduction

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I've logged in here so I wanted to reintroduce myself and see how everyone is doing during these strange times.

I am a composer and award winning musician from Reading, England.

I have just written a piece in honour of VE Day and would love to hear your thoughts.


Simon Driscoll

Thanks doesn't sound like you're boasting at all, just very informative.

Simon Driscoll

Thanks so much! That's the exact feel I was going for.

Simon Driscoll

It's very much an on going task....I write the orchestral and instrumental stuff for music libraries and fun, I write full length musicals for a charity I work for, then I also have a folk duo and a folk rock it's pretty much all the time ;)

Shawn Speake

that's what's up, Simon! great job! Here are some of my sketches for my course #MakeMusicMyLife with #MikeMonday

Simon Driscoll

Hey Shawn...Thanks! I'll go check out your link asap....

Fernando Paez

Really appreciate this score, Simon. Great work, very memorable.

Shawn Speake

are any of you guys getting placements or 'syncs'?

Simon Driscoll

Thank you Fernando!

Simon Driscoll

Shawn - I've only just got back on here so nothing from Stage32 as of yet....

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