Introduce Yourself : Hey Everybody! Hope you're Sheltering Safely in Place! by Heather Hale

Heather Hale

Hey Everybody! Hope you're Sheltering Safely in Place!

Heather Hale here, Film & TV Producer, Director, Screenwriter; Author and Consultant.

Just relocated from LA, CA (via Tucson, AZ) to Savannah, GA - getting my MFA at SCAD.

Love to connect with any and all!

I'll be (hopefully) shooting our TV series in LA in Sept (assuming productions are rolling again by then).

'Til then, writing up a storm!

Be well!

Stay safe!

PS: Here's an article I wrote fro Scr(i)pt Magazine with tons of COVID-19 resources:

Cali Gilbert

Awesome! Welcome Heather Hale

Toni D. Holm

Hi, Heather, good to find you on Stage 32. We're connected on another site, too. Wow, Savannah, GA, is quite a change. Lived in the South for many years. I still love that a waitress will ask you if you want sweet tea or regular when ordering ice tea. Good luck with your MFA.

April Watts

Nice to meet you and I hope you are well and great article full of resources.

Tennyson Stead

Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, Heather! Great to be seeing you on the interwebs, and congratulations on the series!

Anne Marie Robinson

Hi Heather! We met years ago via email. You read some of my work (Om Sweet Om). I'm in LA now costuming - I'd love to be part of your crew when you shoot that series. Best of luck!!!!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hello, dahhhhling. Always love seeing your smiling face around here.

Heather Hale

Lovely to connect with all of you! ;-)

Monique Dismuke

Hey Heather thanks for being an inspiration❤

April Watts

Hi Heather ! Nice to connect with you. Stay safe

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Hi Heather, it's been quite a while since we spoke. Hope you are well, let's keep in better touch. My series Sin 13 premieres July 11 on -ODG, which launches that same day.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

All time great inspirational posts, Heather! Thank you.

Mandi Allen

Hi Heather, lovely to meet you. Hope you're doing good?

Heather Hale

Hope you're all staying safe!!! And creative inspired and engaged!

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