Introduce Yourself : Writer - novels, teleplays, screenplays by Toni D. Holm

Toni D. Holm

Writer - novels, teleplays, screenplays

If you had one question you could ask a publisher, what would it be?

Donn Swaby

What's the difference between reading a story you like that's not quite there, warranting a round of suggested revisions to the author as opposed to not offering those suggestions and simply passing? I recently had a lit agent ask me for my full middle grade manuscript (first time!) , having had previous requests for the first 10 to 30 to 50 pages after they'd received my initial query. I was very disappointed that not only did the agent pass, she did so in a generic letter that surprised me. I's assumed if she's liked my first 50 pages enough to ask for the whole book, she'd at least tell me why she passed. I've received original pass letters fro other agents and/or publishers that at least gave me hints as to why they passed, which were still a bit of a let down but still encouraging because I'd gotten that far in the process.

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