Introduce Yourself : TV Pilot ? by James Adam Tucker

James Adam Tucker

TV Pilot ?

I am always interested in collaborations.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, James Adam Tucker! Nice to meet you! DUDE - you win for the shortest Intro post with the most impressive bio LOL! Ooo, Maryland?! I just moved to LA from Gaithersburg, MD! How long have you been in Pasadena? Any advice for first-time actors in LA? If so, do me a favor and post it in the Acting Lounge, too (

Are you currently trying to sell or make all of the films of which you have loglines? If you're looking to pitch any of them, definitely email Jason Mirch for suggestions of executives that would pair well with your projects:

Enjoy exploring, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

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