Introduce Yourself : Adding magical details to YOUR vision by Astrid Schulz

Astrid Schulz

Adding magical details to YOUR vision

Hello everyone, thanks for the opportunity of introducing myself. My name is Astrid Schulz, I work as a Costume Designer and as a Photographer (portraits, stills, documentary). Based in Central London with 26 years of film industry experience, I am currently reviewing my exciting past and various projects. Despite the impact of C-19, I am not at all ready to walk away from it all, on the contrary. The lockdown break makes me even more determent, wanting to reach out further than I ever did before.

Why Costume Design AND Photography? Well, both is storytelling, my passion from childhood onwards. The difference is, for costume I need YOU. Working with you I'll help bringing your vision alive! Wheras with photography I can work on MY vision. The combination my costume- and photography skills makes every project exciting. That makes me feel alive!

Waiting to connect with you and dreaming up great visions for the future of storytelling. Everything is possible.

My websites are

Costume: https://www.astridschulzcostume.workPhoto:

Please feel free to get in touch.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Astrid Schulz! Nice to meet you! There was another Costume Designer from Italy that just introduced himself here as well! Read through and introduce yourself to him - Sakis I think is his name?

OMG, the next time I'm in London, would you like to do a photoshoot with me? I love getting dressed up in fun outfits for the camera! LOL! The offer stands if ever you're in LA!

Would you be interested in participating in the "Paris, Je T'aime" challenge I posted in the Filmmakers Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their city:

Enjoy exploring, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

Astrid Schulz

Hello Karen,

thank you for the warm welcome.

Of course, all opportunities of being creative and having fun are hugely welcome. Option 2 - I have wonderful friends in LA, too, and in fact I am overdue in visiting. So, meeting you in person is indeed possible :)))

Happy to play your game, but also have to work on inviting 'friends' so I have someone to nominate...

London and I are waiting for you.

As x

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