Introduce Yourself : Finally getting it out my head lol by Khalilah Samuels

Finally getting it out my head lol

Hello everyone! I’m am so grateful for you’ll and Stage32. Since posting about wanting to come out of my shell and asking for resources, the feedback I got from you’ll was very helpful. Since then, I’ve written 2 short script and I joined a writers group here in Reno, NV which was very exiting and productive. I’m looking forward to nothing but growth in my writing journey. Thank you again!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Khalilah Samuels! Nice to meet you! Aww, that's awesome to hear! I'm so glad we could be supportive and encouraging on your journey to follow your passion! Keep going and keep us posted!

Would you be willing to share your encouragement in the Screenwriting Lounge? Trust me, even long-time professional writers need insight and encouragement!

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

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