Introduce Yourself : Actress by Viv Farmer


Hello All! I hope everyone is doing well and staying busy! I work remotely from home for my day job and act in the Bay Area. I have also worn many hats preparing for and while working on set: script review (read through, correcting and rewording lines), casting, production assistant, and anything else that's needed, I'm down. My agent recently got me my first remote acting gig. I never thought I would be acting via video conferencing, but it worked! It was a fun and personal experience. I've been taking Zoom acting/auditioning/improv classes as well. I am hoping to meet other local Bay Area creatives and work on some film projects together! (once the shelter in place is lifted of course.) Check out my casting profile at

Viv Farmer

Thank you Maurice, I truly appreciate the compliment! I'm doing well during this weird time and I hope you are too! Keeping busy is the key.

Viv Farmer

Sounds great! Good luck with your scripts!!

Viv Farmer

You're welcome! Would love to collaborate. Nice to meet you!

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