Animation : Animated Videos by Christopher Castle

Christopher Castle

Animated Videos

I've just finished work on an album. As it's difficult to get videos made at the moment. Wondering how hard is it to get an animation for one of the songs. Not sure which of the songs right now.

Let me know what sort of budget I would need to get this project off the ground.

Put the link in my profile to the music.

Ralph Soll

Hi Christopher - I'm not sure if there's a singular answer to your question. One can animate "The Lion King 2" for free if one has endless time and happens to know a few thousand brilliant animators who are willing to do top quality work at no charge. And one can always find people to overcharge endlessly for sub-standard work. From my perspective, the best way for you to move forward may be to start with a rough sense of what you can afford. $100; 1000; 10,000; 100,000... from there, holding in mind the level of quality you feel you need, start to look around. Are you looking for an animation student? A singular professional? A company, etc. There are even programs that allow you to do some kinds of animation yourself. Hope this helps.

Christopher Castle

Thanks Ralph. I guess I was hedging my bets a little. But it would be a pretty minimal budget. Hard enough for creatives to make money in the normal times let alone these difficult circumstances. I don't want to restrict the type of person I work with. If they have passion and can deliver a quality product then that works.

Nate Wubu

I do a lot of freelance animation and my price varies depending on my workload or if I need a quick infusion of cash for a new Quadro card or something. One thing to remember is that if you leave a lot more discretion to the animator the price can be cheaper because the project becomes more enjoyable to work on. For instance if you sent me a link to a couple of songs and asked me to come up with a concept for one of them I would quote you a lot cheaper rate than otherwise. Here is a link to a 3000 dollar simple vid with repetitive movements I created for a client And this one cost closer to 8k requiring much more scenery objects and non repetitive movement.

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