Hello, my name is Alberto Platania, I am a Venezuelan filmmaker and film critic.
Six months ago the Nicolas Winding Refn's website (ByNWR) sent me an email to participate in a contest and the point was to finish the incomplete film "House of Seven Belles" by director Andy Milligan and for this I sent a script entitled "The Lost Pages ". In the end I have been selected among the 13 finalists or as Monkee Puppet says, "The House of Thirteen Milligans", now the next step to be the winner of this contest will be by vote of the public.
For me, winning this competition would be a big step in my career as a filmmaker. Also, that the public has the possibility to see my work and evaluate it, makes it much more special because this job is done for you.
So, I leave you the link so you can enjoy my script and help me meet Nicolas Winding Refn (hopefully there is that possibility).