Screenwriting : TV Proposal by Ben Trebilcook

Ben Trebilcook

TV Proposal

Hi all. Apart from having a variety of scripts available, in many genres... I’ve a written a very different TV proposal and have a few named talents interested. It’d be ideal for a streaming service and has a great deal of lucrative transmedia opportunities, too. My agent in China enjoyed it, though I reworked it to fit elsewhere. It’s set in London and a hotel in Tokyo. The idea sprung from my Die Hard Six novel, Old Habits. Has a decent pitch. No idea what to do with it.

Jason Mirch

Hey Ben Trebilcook - I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Feel free to email me directly at - I have some ideas on how to move the project forward that I would be happy to discuss over email with you. Look forward to hearing from you!

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