Animation : Looking to get an animated short film made by Jana Forkel

Jana Forkel

Looking to get an animated short film made

Hi everyone!

I'm new to the industry and I'd love to get my short script "It's a wondoughful life' made into an actual short. I'm still in college and don't really have the money, nor the resources to produce the short, but if anyone here is interested in joining the project (I'd prefer stop-motion but any animation style is welcome), please check out the script "It's a wondoughful life" on my page and hit me up! Here's the logline: "In a pizzeria, a clump of pizza dough comes alive and, upon discovering its fate, tries to escape."

Thank you!

For reference, check out my own first little adventure in stop motion (short film I created for my university's 275th anniversary):

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Jana Forkel! This is so fun! Were there assignment guidelines for this, or just something that included 275? Congrats on pursuing your master's degree! Man, I wish advanced degrees didn't cost money here.

Have you posted your logline on your profile? It'll get listed for browsing and feedback!

Jana Forkel

Thanks, Karen "Kay" Ross! Actually, the only prompt was to create something related to or connected to the university. Thanks for the tip, btw, I haven't posted my loglines there, yet.

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