Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Sandrine Soler

Sandrine Soler


Hi everyone, I am new here and i dont know exactly how it's working. But i will figure out soon. Hope so :)

By the way, i am PR for the entertainment industry and I work to Promote singers, movies, TV shows, documentory or Shows . Based in Paris, i contact French journalists .

So feel free to contact me for further informations or just talk about the Entertainment industry in France.

Take care :)


Allen Lynch

Welcome Sandrine!

Maria Johnsen

Hi Sandrine and welcome!

Kristin Jackson

Very nice to e-meet you, Sandrine! I'm so happy you're here, and to connect with you. I'm a Graphic Designer and have been doing work for the film industry almost ten years. So if you help your clients with promo materials - or need materials for promoting your clients - then please let me know! That's one of the things I do for the biz. :)

China Myers

Welcome Sandrine!

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