Your Stage : Animated Pre-viz . . . a vital tool in development by David J. Soto

David J. Soto

Animated Pre-viz . . . a vital tool in development

As an independent animator, I literally play with "software", like iClone 7, Blender, etc., in order to develop ideas that honestly spur other ideas that I might have not thought of. It's very similar to writing as you go over the story and make minor changes, they all add up and can change the dynamics of your story.

Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time learning how to use these types of software as they are all so complex it can be intimidating. One approach I use to "simplify" an idea is to start with the character looking at you on screen. Why?

The feedback in hearing the character speak your script is a very validating experience that will propel you to edit and create more "mini" animations that you can review like it's a daily. You go back and forth, revising as you do until the script is perfect. This is just one approach I try constantly and have found it to be very satisfying when your script starts to come to life with sound and motion.

I have posted on a sample of my writing. It's Chapter 1 of a story I've called "Desperately CRAZY for You!" It's a murder mystery with tons of dead bodies. I am writing under an alias. I also have "Accidental Adoptionist" and "Killer Cosplay" in the works.

I'd appreciate any feedback.



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