Introduce Yourself : Script writer Ed Silva by Ed Silva Jr.

Ed Silva Jr.

Script writer Ed Silva

My name is Ed Silva and I write scripts. I'm new to the Stage 32 community so I'm not sure where to go, so I just wanted to start by saying hello. It was very kind of Director of Script Services Jason Mirch to motivate me get this far. So here I go, posting all four feature scripts loglines, expecting to shield myself from flying tomatoes. Just kidding. But really, Stage 32 seems like a really nice way to connect with other people in the industry. I'm looking forward to networking with you all. Thank you for reading this.

Roy Caple

Hi there. Welcome to the community. I also joined this community because I love to put myself in the industry. Not only I want to be an actor, but an screenwriter, an voice actor, and an entrepreneur in the show business. So I'm looking forward to hear from you. Again, welcome to the community. God Bless and please stay safe.

Ed Silva Jr.

Thank you so much for reaching out! Stay safe, and God bless you as well! :D

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