Introduce Yourself : Staying Productive by Jimmy Matlosz

Jimmy Matlosz

Staying Productive

I posted this similar subject a few weeks ago and wonder what everyone was doing to stay productive. Since we have no idea when real production will resume, the question is how can you bank on the unknown. For my money, it's about diversifying your talent and learning more...about filmmaking, about life, about yourself, about a subject you know little about or one you think you know. Exercising the mind yes, but also the spirit and body are essential. This is your time to shine, tune up your engine and prepare for the next race. Share with me what your doing and if you ask I'll share what I'm doing.

Opal Morningstar

I have been working on a screenplay and doing an online screenwriting class with ScreenwritingU. If you were not able to make the call, you can listen to it here.

Thom Reese

Hi, Jimmy. As for me, I've been staying productive through all of this, though I am a little stir crazy. I've written a couple of screenplays and have been doing my day job (television market research) from home. I have outlines in the works for a couple more screenplays, so, yeah, busy.

David Melbourne

Maybe due to all the bad stuff happening I've been finding it hard to motivate myself to do the work I should be doing. Having said that I have completed a couple of assignments for a writing course that I've been doing. What I really should be doing is to start a screenplay that I have been planning for a while.

Jimmy Matlosz

Thank you all for sharing, these are challenging times for us all, stay busy, stay creative, stay healthy. And David, we all have that one screenplay we feel we need to start. For me, Ive put one on hold for over a year, it will be my most challenging yet. Sometimes its better to write a few other things in between and return to that one when the universe wants you to.


Amazing Kacee

Hi Jimmy - During this time I am editing a web series, filming different web-series, pitching a series, scouting locations for another series and writing multiple series. Lots of time management happening. Take care and remember perceptions are everything - Kacee

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