Introduce Yourself : Hello, everyone! This is me... by Titan Frey

Titan Frey

Hello, everyone! This is me...

Hello, my name is Travis Frey but I write under the name Titan Frey (Titan is my middle name). I started writing two and a half years ago, as I've always had stories floating around my head. I wrote and had published ten books (six published under an indie publisher and four as self-published). I realized that the art of screenwriting actually fit my storytelling abilities better than in book form, so, last October I decided to try my hand at screenwriting.

I have finished a few short scripts and one feature titled Donate Life, which I have gotten in front of a few producers and even though it hasn't been optioned, it received positive feedback. I am currently working on four separate feature scripts and one, a time-traveling, historical thriller story titled Imagine is almost complete. In fact, I'd love to get another set of eyes on it and some feedback if anyone out there would love to give it a read.

A little more about myself personally, I have two beautiful little daughters, who are my world and I'm a living kidney donor, donating my kidney to a friend back in 2012. I love this community and I thank you all for taking the time to read a little about me.

Thank you!

Richard "RB" Botto

Now THIS is an Introduce Yourself post. Congratulations on the prolific production of material, Titan. Inspiring. Fantastic to have you in the community.

Titan Frey

Thank you, RB. I have learned so much already from watching videos from the writers' room to connecting with a few members. Your site is the perfect place for anyone looking to learn screenwriting and to connect with people in the business. Thank you for all you do!

Richard "RB" Botto

So glad you are enjoying the Writers' Room. As a writer myself, I wish I had it as a resource when I was breaking in. Thrills me to no end that you're finding the platform beneficial as well. Hope you'll spread the word and invite others in our never ending mission to strengthen the platform and create opportunities for all.

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