Introduce Yourself : Covid Brain Fog.... Say Wha!?? by Becca Carroll Guido

Becca Carroll Guido

Covid Brain Fog.... Say Wha!??

Hi everyone! I've been a member for a little over a month. A UK Friend/Colleague of mine introduced me to Stage32 & I will be forever grateful. I was laid up with Covid19 & I have been battling the sometimes debilitating after effects since May. I was waiting until I felt more like myself before I joined in & introduced myself. However as this post Covid journey is dragging on, I decided to just jump in & at least begin the "Hello" process! :) During my recovery I have taken advantage of the Amazing Webinars here & it's really helped me to know that I am using my recovery time to be learning, & making good use of my time! I have been blown away by the quality of the Webinars & am so grateful to RB, Amanda & the Educational Team for all the hard work they put into this Continuing Education Process! I'm still consulting on some already existing projects & with clients I had taken on before I got sick & things shutdown. I also am keeping up as best I can with my Amazing Creative Team in the UK, as we continue to develop & prepare for the eventual production of our Edwardian Period Drama "Primrose" to be filmed in it's entirety in the UK. I'd love to hear about everyone's projects & process! I may not be posting & engaging as much as I would if I had my normal energy, but I am reading a lot on here! Please drop me a line & I'd love to not only meet you, but to learn about you & your work! Cheers & remember to wear those masks! Becca 

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Becca Carroll Guido! Great to see you again! Love seeing your thoughtful responses in the Producing Lounge of late! Yes, the "Hello" process is totally worth it - HELLO!

Aww, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm sure the team will be happy to hear it. If you get a chance, would you be willing to leave a testimonial? and then click on "Submit Your Testimonial"

Have you met Suzanne Garnett? She's also working out of the UK: You should connect!

Becca Carroll Guido

Thanks Karen & definitely will do on both counts! :)

Leya Kokoravec

Hi Becca Carroll Guido. Glad you're feeling better.

Nice to meet you! I'm Leya and I'm actually a sculptress, who's also a DP, editor and colorist together with my partner from Slovenia. We were lucky and were able to work on a few projects last year that were really gret but not many paid ones so we're in a little financial trouble that I hope we'll be able to sail trough.

Stage32 is great I was introduced to it by my partner and I've met some really cool people. It's funny because we actually met a neighbour just a couple of houses down from us who's an actor who we wouldn't have ever met.

Anyway last year I wrote a blog about my sculpting and artistic expressions and a couple of months ago my partner wrote a blog about our a pilote episode that we had shot.

I can share them with you if you'd like. :)

Sara Dee

Becca I'm sending healing vibes! I so hope you begin to recover more quickly soon. Welcome to the lounge. Great to hear from you. I spent the lockdown taking courses too and actually found the lockdown quiet really theraputic. I think I found the real me at last! Being an actor that's a bit of a major feat. I've just had a search for 'Primrose' it's a film from YOU! Wow that's wonderful. I'm impressed.

Actors and Directors are nothing without Writers.

I love to support film when I can. My biggest 'win' so far is helping to find the finance for 'My Feral Heart' that, after many international awards is now available on BBCiPlayer.

I just love film, like to support new talent and still consider my favourite place in the world to be on a film set

All the best of wishes for your recovery and enjoy your pre production planning for Primrose. Sounds like you have a great team to work with x I'm off to find out more . . . .

Richard "RB" Botto

Always great to see you, Becca. So hopeful you continue to feel better. Inspiring that you're not letting anything keep you down, but I know how you roll! Thanks for all the kind words and positive vibes!

Philip Sedgwick

Here's to fog subsiding and increasing wellness coming your way. Keeping engaged here has got to be healing!

Steffany Lohn Sommers

Best wishes for your continued recovery!

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