Introduce Yourself : Neale Sourna: Adult Fiction Author / Publisher, Freelance Game Narrative Writer. It's all about the character! by Neale Sourna

Neale Sourna

Neale Sourna: Adult Fiction Author / Publisher, Freelance Game Narrative Writer. It's all about the character!

Haven't been in Stage 32 in a long while! I am a WGA-W Game Caucus Member of several years, ex theater stage manager, and a long-time writing freelancer with regular clients and at and formerly at the old Elance.

I've been writing game character texts for my guys at the European online sites of Lessions of Passion / Sex & Glory; plus working on completing the first installment (a surprise to me but my character has lots to say) of my new African British historical adventure romance novel series "Becca DuMaurier" set in Great Britain and Ireland in the late 1600s of Charles II's Restoration and Glorious Revolution as a common born black girl rises into a woman of the nobility, politics, pirates, and more. The plan is to publish in August.

Interestingly, I've found that telling a story of a nonslave Black woman of Europe and of power and wealth is a rare thing to compare to in other books or to market even with using Bowker's Score-It and other online search / analysis software.

But I write to please me and find that gives joy to others; so pressing on to the finish line and beyond. Okay. Enough. Hello, and if you're interested in more just search online.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Neale Sourna! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Maybe you could use some of your post for your bio?

Yeah, man, it has been a while! LOL! Should you be in need of crew again, you will get a better response with a job post:

Congrats on your writing! I think that sounds spot-on - writing what you enjoy and then putting it out there for others to enjoy, too. I'd love for you to start a post in the Screenwriting Lounge about your experience, maybe about your findings while writing a "non-slave Black woman of Europe"?

I think you'll enjoy my intro blog post about how to relate to the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

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