Filmmaking / Directing : Calling all MOBILE filmmakers! by Courtney G. Jones

Courtney G. Jones

Calling all MOBILE filmmakers!

Are you a mobile filmmaker? Have you shot/edited anything on mobile that you think is amazing? I'd love to hear about it and MAYBE we could spotlight you on the Mobile Creator Podcast that I co-host with the founder of MOJO Fest, Glen Mulcahy. Are you also female/LGBTQ/filmmaker of color? We want to hear from you, too!

I'm looking forward to seeing your content!

Have a great week!

Karen "Kay" Ross

I'd love to meet more mobile filmmakers as well! If you have the link to your Mobile Creator Podcast, definitely throw it up on the Your Stage Lounge:

Honestly, the reason I stopped filming anything on my phone was that I edit on Adobe Premiere Pro, and transferring the footage is a bear! Do you edit on the same device you record on? Or do you have any advice on how to easily transfer footage?

Courtney G. Jones

Hey Karen. Transferring can sometimes be tricky, but check or this video from LumaFusion: it should give you a few hints as to how you can transfer and edit. I’ve been using LumaFusion as my editor lately and then sometimes exporting an xml out to Premiere or FCP. Almost like an offline editor. But now that is integrated into LumaFusion, I can round trip footage. There are so many ways to do it now. You should give it a try.

Tasha Lewis

Check out .

Zach Tirone

Yes - recently shot a short film on FILMICPRO for iphone 11. Quite an experience!

Karen "Kay" Ross

I currently have an iPhone 7s - do you think an upgrade is necessary?

Elena Melener

Hi Courtney! I've been doing short sketches on my iPhone since this pandemic started. Each actor is recorded separately (for social distance purposes) and then I edit it so it seems like we're all together and most of us live in different states! It's been a fun challenge! Go to @themomlistseries on instagram to watch.

Debbie Croysdale

@ALL Now with all the restrictions I’m going to take time out to learn mobile filming properly. Cadrage, Magic Cinema and F8 lens toolkit are downloadable apps to aid directors get pro vision but I only ever dabbled with them before. Not sure which one worth spending the time mastering. Has anyone shot a pro quality film with any of these?

Andrew Sobkovich

The “viewfinder” programs available for telephones are of limited utility professionally. The telephones only have a single focal length lens which is quite wide for their intended purpose. These apps delineate the angle of view only. Optically there is more going on than just the angle of view. “Normal” lenses refer to the relative sizes of objects at different distances from the lens within a shot, normal being size/distance ratios akin to what we see with our unaided eyes.

With a moderate telephoto lens take a still that has lots of depth with foreground, mid-ground and background objects. From the same physical spot take a still with your telephone. Assuming you can manipulate these images on a computer, crop and zoom the telephone image to the same framing as the telephoto shot. Look at the different sizes of the objects that are in the background. A shot with a wide angle lens once cropped and blown-up was still captured with a wide angle lens and will show it.

The visual differences limit the utility of those telephone apps in a professional world where we use directors viewfinders that mount the actual lenses we will be shooting with. The apps may have some limited uses.

Debbie Croysdale

Many thanks @Andrew for your user friendly insights, ideally I’d prefer a DOP with own toolkit but these times dictate “Needs Must” situations. Taking a still in certain position and manipulating on computer is something I’d not thought of and on the whole I reckon apps give false sense of security but they better than nothing. Your answers much appreciated!

Kelly LaCombe

Hello! I’m in Seattle. An award winning screenwriter since 2018. I’m interested in acting too.

Andrew Sobkovich

Debbie, if I can paraphrase you, "A false sense is better than no sense".

I love it!!! Gotta get a t-shirt done.

I completely agree with your approach.

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