Screenwriting : End of weekend... by Felix Agyeman Boahen

Felix Agyeman Boahen

End of weekend...

Still enjoying the weekend... Just waken up from a nap and taking some strides across my script. It's good I think.

How's your works coming, SCREENWRITERS?

You gotta spit FIRE...

Craig D Griffiths

A contain script I wrote is moving through the development process. Some budget has turned up and the director wants more externals. Make it less contained.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

I'm little unfamiliar with your term, Craig... Enligthen me a bit... What's a "contained Script".

Felix Agyeman Boahen

By the way, you're doing a great job...

H Bentabak

In terms of writing, I am comfortable. I have a lot of ideas and I record them in order to start the practical application after I finish my exams :-S

I wish you and all the SCREENWRITERS the best of luck!

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Thank you, Bentabak... Would love to see you writing... Goodluck too..

Craig D Griffiths

Contained script is (in an extreme) something like “Buried” where everything happens in a single location (inside a coffin). A haunted house could be contained in a single location.

It is a story that is contained in something. Normally a single location.

In my situation there are a few phone calls. I am writing the other side of those phone calls now. A character leaves and comes back with information. I am writing that trip. It introduces a new actor as well as gives an opportunity to an additional subplot.

Contained stories are a great challenge. Some directors don’t like them because it is hard to keep them interesting visually.

Doug Nelson

Felix - watch the psycho-supernatural thriller 'Devil' by M. Night Shyamalan to understand the term 'contained'.

Alex R Price

Just finished the rough draft 103 pages. Feels great to reach that milestone.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

I've got it, Doug... I think it sounds challenging like Craig said. Not only the directors would hate working on that, but writers too...

But producers will love it more cos it sounds like a low-budget business... It's interesting though. Would like to write one, one-day.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Alex- you're coming... Just walk through and and finish the painting, shape the lawns and mower the grasses, and your script will have a perfect look... Keep writing hard.

Kiril Maksimoski

Bjorn Black sorry to mention the harsh truth but money is basic fuel for all motivations including to write scripts. May I suggest you try other formats such as converting your scripts or outlines to short stories or novels? After all, writer is a writer. Myself I found a theme I've struggling to produce as a screenplay have a juicy flow as a short story. Of course other will do the final judge, but I just feel this way now and that gives me enough go to proceed with it. I'm still writing nevertheless.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Thanks much, Nick... Appreciate your feedback.

Jim Boston

Felix, I'm ready to spit FIRE! This week, I'll be working on developing the lead characters in two screenplays I'm out to launch at the end of this month. This past week, I've developed five new loglines for scripts...and one of the new loglines has morphed into a six-plot-point stage (next is a combination outline/scene list).

All the VERY BEST to you, Felix! Glad you're here on Stage 32!

Felix Agyeman Boahen

You're doing a great job, Jim.

Debbie Croysdale

@Felix Love your expression “Gotta spit fire”. I’m polishing up a couple of features and pilots. Post Covid I reckon there’s going to be much more containment in film, at least until a vaccine is out. All my new projects are minimum cast/location and I’m starting to look into writing for animation, no restrictions there.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Good work, Debbie...

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