Introduce Yourself : Hi there by Yota Kallini

Yota Kallini

Hi there

Hey everyone! 

I am new in this group 

My name is Yota and I am a Greek actress , relocated in Glasgow since last August.

I am an experienced performer in a variety of shows ( site-specific performance, dance theater, devised , physical theater , impro), film, video clips

I'm also trained as a singer and a dancer and I really enjoy to continuesly learn and evolve. I also hold a certificate in Drama Therapy, in Theater in Education and in Drama Play. I would love to be able to work with children and elders through the art of drama and help them emotionally, mentally and physically.

As an improvisation freak I have coordinated workshops for actors over the years and I love it!!!

I am also an aspiring voice actor. I have currently worked in a comedy crime audio book and a sci-fi and I am buzzing. If you have a bit of a spare time please check my spotlight and vshowcard Thanks

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Yota Kallini! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! Oh, cool, I love Scotland (although I've not yet visited that far north). Ooo, Drama Therapy? How cool! Would you be willing to start a post in the Acting Lounge about Drama Therapy? Definitely scroll through the lounge as there is also lots to learn about voice acting there, also blogs and webinars.

Thanks for sharing your links, but for future reference, you can either post them to your profile or post them in the Your Stage Lounge ( for feedback or promotion.

I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Also, I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Maybe you could use some of this post to help build up your bio!

Monty C. Floyd

Welcome, Yota.

Wayne Clarris

i am also new so a big hi to all from Australia :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Wayne Clarris - I saw you're a Christian writer? I just met Aaron Allen, a Christian producer - you should reach out to him:

Stephen Thompson

Hello Yota, nice to meet you.

Mark Millicent

Hi Yota!

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