Hello all, Don Thomas here. My story is old as time. Divorced. Seemed like the perfect time to start the professional writing career. it just seemed natural. After all, I was the eloquent car salesman. Growing up had a lot of rough patches. One of the rough patches that defined my childhood was seven years of professional speech therapy. It was a poor gift, but I eventually made the most of it. Ended up doing a stretch of five years selling cars. Eventually I was Bud Costello selling vacuum cleaners. Professionally writing for me was the same way. I soaked up tons of experience in the trenches. Added to my childhood gift there was business knowledge that most in the field did not possess, before long I was beyond most of my peers imagining. I was able to get much needed therapy and full custody of my daughter right before her high school years. This was all I could have asked for but yet I pressed on. I became a better writer. Now, the world is my oyster, although . I was already content. I can script for TV and Film and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I can write and publish nearly anything.
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Hey, Don Thomas! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! Wow, what an amazing story! Glad to hear you have your daughter during this trying time.
Ooo, Memphis? I LOVE Memphis! Would you be interested in participating in the "Paris, Je T'aime" challenge I posted in the Filmmakers Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their city:
I’m sure you’ve already discovered the Screenwriting Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting), but definitely reach out on the Acting Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/acting) for insight into characters, dialogue, and even when you want to generate interest in a virtual table read!
I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:
Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!