Producing : Business Plan by Matt Ip Shaw

Matt Ip Shaw

Business Plan

Hello lovely producers! I am currently working on a business plan and doing some market research for a short film a few of my friends and I are making. I was wondering where you find most financing comes from. Theatrical releases? International sales?

Would love to know your thoughts.

Dan MaxXx

No money in shorts unless you win an Oscar or some prestigious festival and sell it to a streaming service. Ive Never paid to see a short movie at a theater. Ever.

Generally, Short movies are just auditions; a job application. My college classmate spent his own money (credit cards, family, working shitty jobs, eating .50cent ramen dinners, saving $), made a short which got him hired to direct a B movie, lead to a DGA union membership and full-time career as a director

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Financing? It comes from you and your friends. Each of you pony up $500 - $1,000, and go make a good one. No one invests in short films. So go for it, and use it as a calling card to open doors!

Matt Ip Shaw

Thanks @Dan MaxXx and @Lindbergh E Hollingsworth. I guess my question wasn’t so much about the short making money as it was about feature films. I am more curious about where you find financing comes from at markets etc. and what avenues distributors take or you take directly

Dan MaxXx

Matt Ip Shaw dunno, never made a theatrical feature movie. I did work for one Hollywood producer; he partially financed a feature by selling his house. The movie was a flop, he was homeless and his wife divorced him.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

For features, it used to be you could get some money (pre-sales) from the individual territories, and then use this to help finance a movie. Not anymore. Or if you have an a-list director and name talent you could get a 'minimum guarantee' (MG) from a distributor, and then use this to get debt financing from a bank that will loan you the money against the MG (because the MG would be paid to them first; debt equity is always paid first). The avenue I take directly is to call up the studio-distributor when helping to sell a completed feature film.

Doug Nelson

Matt - there is NO money in making shorts; period. Making shorts is all I do now - it's my personal hobby now that I'm retired. I'm striving to make an Oscar winning short because I'm a quality freak and I enjoy helping young folk discover potential employment opportunities that feed their right brain creativity. There ain't NO money in it but there's lots of satisfaction for me.

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