Financing / Crowdfunding : New here by Chastity Singletary

Chastity Singletary

New here

Hello everyone I am new to the site. Published 3 books and currently just completed my first script based off my second book "Where Art Thou Strength". I went to my first pitch and everyone loved the synopsis, even had a well-known Line Producer want to work with me. Only issue is finding funding for my project. Due to covid many of these grants and funding are closed. I am in a small city. upstate New York where we do not have much exposure to these amazing opportunities for grants. I am feeling kind of down guys.. Just came to the lounge to express my feelings of feeling backed in a corner right now.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

You're not alone, so don't give up. Funding is always a hard road, at every level of production. Keep searching and you will find the next step to what you need.

Erik A. Jacobson

Hang in there, Chastity. Covid is only a temporary obstacle. Keep believing in yourself and your projects.

Chastity Singletary

Thanks guys for the kind words

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Chastity Singletary! Thanks for reaching out! I would concur - don't give up! It's a marathon, so maybe it's just time to slow down and find another "next step".

Are you considering pitching your idea to executives? Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives:

Also, if you want feedback on your pitch, definitely post what you are willing to share on your profile and on the Your Stage Lounge:

Keep at it and keep us posted!

Chastity Singletary

thank you so much Kay your awesome. I have 3 pitch meetings coming up soon i have paid for and will keep you posted.

Karen "Kay" Ross

YAY! Have fun, Chastity Singletary! Actually, if you're looking for peer feedback on your pitch, you could also do a free month of the Writer's Room where we host a weekly Pitch Practice Session (Thursdays at 7pm PST). Feel free to DM me and I'll send you the link so you can join us during your prep!

Lesa Babb

Practice makes perfect. Def recommend practicing your pitch any time the opportunity presents itself. Best wishes to you Chastity!

Chastity Singletary

Thanks Lesa Babb

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