Hi there - My name is Alexandra. I joined Stage32 to connect with artists and filmmakers. I am a video and sound artist.
I create mini stage-like sets with materials and objects. I isolate them; I experiment with lights and the object in focus. I bring my visions and stream of consciousness to reality by building surrealist sets, filming characters, and abstract movement within the imaginary world.
My perception, emotions, and my environment create the mood of the film: through exploration of a space, situation, and how it feels to be in that moment. Intertwined with the image are soundscapes created with a synthesizer, vocal experiments, and recorded sound effects. I love accidents, experiments, and natural, raw material represented through the language of dream-like perceptions and symbolic images.
The results are poetic videos composed of symbols, metaphors, and sounds representing my experience of the layers of perception and reality.
Within photography, I capture isolated light situations created from the mixture of human construction and nature.
In collaboration with musicians and artists, I create music videos, live concert visuals, promotional content, documentation, and experimental art.
Feel free to say hello or reach out if you would like to collaborate!
Hey, Alexandra Banhazl! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! Oh, man, that is SO cool! Do you have any production stills you could add to your profile?
I'm sure you've already discovered the Filmmaking Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/directing), but I'd LOVE for you to start a post in the Cinematography Lounge! Maybe you could talk about your process for setting the scene and lighting it? https://www.stage32.com/lounge/cinematography
Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:
Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! And, of course, feel free to reach out at any time.
1 person likes this
Great IY post, Alexandra. That's how you get it done. A pleasure to meet you.
Richard "RB" Botto , Aray Brown, Karen "Kay" Ross Nice to meet you! Thank you :)
Nice to meet you Alexandra. Welcome!
Same here, Alexandra!