It's looking like we might be going to Level 5 in Ireland. A film that took me about a year to get off the ground had just been booked and insured for the 1st week of November, 2020. All Covid-19 Regulations catered to. Fully funded, locations booked and ready to rock...and then the levels started drifting up again. Anyone else get affected in a similar manner? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm content in being safe, and it's no huge issue to simply reschedule the insurance to cover later dates. But damn it, I was REALLY looking forward to it!!!
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I think we're all waiting for the Covid dust to settle.
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I have an opinion about corona that's best not to post here, but you can blame Leo for the sh*t you're suffering right now!
In some countries, you'd still have the greenlight... which leaves you with two options:
Postpone or work with small(er) crews.
Since Ireland is starting to go the Australian route though, you may want to postpone.
We cut our usual crew number down to three members and the shoot is organised so that there'd never be more than six people on set at a time. I don't see the point in blaming Leo, or anyone else. Hard to balance life, and economy in times of plague, regardless of what we've learned from previous outbreaks in history. Of course, if we're outright banned from filming - there's no problem with postponing. They're gonna announce at 9pm tonight so I guess we'll hopefully know more then
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Very bummed in so many ways. FIRST because I need my kids back in school. But also I want to shoot a quick short over 4 days and I am not sure if I can still do it.
Yep, it's not knowing that's the problem
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I personally don't plan on getting back on set until next spring. Spending the time writing, rewriting, pre-pro planning (very tentative), querying, pitching, seeking investors (all of these things take a lot of time). Why is everyone in a rush? This ain't gonna go on forever. IMO, we'll be back to normal by March or April (by looking at the actual science and original source data - not news reports). COVID insurance will be unnecessary once a vaccine is widely available. So why don't y'all plan for that?
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I think that's a healthy approach John. I wasn't in a rush. But it was booked and we're pretty close to it. So for me the frustration was in the not knowing with regard to the decision we were waiting on the government to make.
Must be terribly stressful over there, Nick. I hope your keeping the mental health in check. Too often we plunge into projects and don't come up for air - take some time for yourself too.