Introduce Yourself : Won the NaNoWriMo competition Thursday night by Dawn Greenfield

Dawn Greenfield

Won the NaNoWriMo competition Thursday night

If you don't know what that means, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month (November). The goal is to write a 50K word book between 11/1 and 11/30. I surpassed that -- surprised myself!

I finished up with 51,285 words / 219 pages on 11/19 -- that's 19 days, folks.

Now, I'm recuperating. That was an exhaustive accomplishment.

Kathleen Oneill


Johnny Zito

Congratulations, Dawn! A spectacular achievement. Thank you for connecting too

Dawn Greenfield

Thanks, Johnny Zito!

Dawn Greenfield

Thanks, Vincent Paterno! I'm an all-around writer. My career began with technical writing (34 years). To date I've written 14 novels, six nonfiction books, and somewhere around 15 screenplays.

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