Introduce Yourself : Horror! by Alyscia Cunningham

Alyscia Cunningham


Hi! My name is Alyscia Cunningham. I'm an author, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. I've recently starting screenwriting Horror. I love it but I'm still learning the tech side of it. If anyone can offer free resources for screenwriting and feedback I'd greatly appreciate it.

Carmen Mosley

Hey Alyscia! I am also a Horror Writer. Entering legit screenwriting contests with coverage is helpful for sure! I recently received some encouraging coverage from BlueCat Screenplay Contest and was able to forward to a Producer who then requested to read my script. I am new here - but from what I've seen - there is an abundance of resources to everything to build your writing business and craft! See you out there!

Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks Carmen! I haven't explored this platform as much as I should. I'll make sure to. Best of luck with your scripts! I love horror.

Stephen Olson

Alyscia if you need any assistance with formatting, I am glad to offer any help I can.

Tasha Lewis


Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks everyone! I'll email JMirch. Stephen, I'll also take you up on your offer. I'll inbox you. Its appreciated.

Randy Goodwin

Welcome Alyscia! And congratulations on your new Horror Screenwriting venture!

Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks Randy!

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome!

Alyscia Cunningham

Hi Stephen, I'm not able to message you. Can you provide an email?

Emile Nightshade

Hi Alyscia!

It's good to meet a fellow screenwriter!

If you ever need advice on anything related to writing, feel free to reach out. I'm by no means an expert, but I've been at for a while.

Tristan Hutchinson

Hi Alyscia. I also write horror and thrillers.

Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks Emile i appreciate it! Hey Tristan, nice to meet a fellow Screenwriter. I'm new at this.

Tristan Hutchinson

I have been writing for a long time, but still new to writing scripts.

Chelsea Regenold

Hi Alyscia! I'm in the same boat. I typically write comedy but am working on a social thriller right now. I'm no expert and am learning more every day (aren't we all?), but the most useful tool I've found is reading scripts.

BlueCat has a lot of great horror scripts (and other genres):

I've also found this Get Out breakdown very helpful while writing my script:

And last but not least, I love this exercise by Script Reader Pro:

Hope this helps. Good luck and happy writing!

Erick Freitas

Read horror scripts and horror poetry. Honestly. Horror poetry will help you with timing and the use of white space for your tension building scenes.

Alyscia Cunningham

Hi Chelsea! Thanks for the resources. And.. aren't we all. Yes we are. Learning never ends. :)

Chelsea Regenold

Erick Freitas I hadn't considered reading horror poetry. Great idea!

Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks Erick, I'll try that.

Carmen Mosley

Erick Freitas - great idea... I love the horror poetry book - "I'm Not Your Final Girl" - by Claire C. Holland... I was a guest on a Horror Podcast and read my favorite. It is a great collection!

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