Introduce Yourself : Iy we by Jerry Gill

Iy we

Hello Everyone. I've missed the last couple of intro weekends and almost missed this one. I'm a novelist straining to write my first script. My brain goes twice as fast as my typing when I work on a novel. Writing on a script - right now my brain must be 10 to the tenth faster than my typing/formating. Just moved it from back burner to middle-tier so now it won't be long until I have an unpolished piece to work on. I love to read intros here because it is motivating to see there are so many others also pushing hard.

Harrison Glaser

Welcome, Jerry! Glad to have you part of the community. And best of luck with the script. Keep in mind we have some great webinars and other education that can be of help to you. For instance check out this webinar from one of our favorite instructors Jim Young on how to develop a book into a film or TV series (

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