Screenwriting : James Crawford's How to Write and Produce a Successful Christmas Movie by Harrison Glaser

Harrison Glaser

James Crawford's How to Write and Produce a Successful Christmas Movie

James was fantastic today! What was everyone's favorite part of his webinar? Anything you're still curious about?

Donna Hoke

Hi all! Wasn't that great? Questions I did not hear answers to if anyone can pitch in:

Does an agent need to submit your one-page query?What kind of career/bio info should be in your query?

How do you indicate the acts in a screenplay (and therefore the act-outs)? I'm assuming each act doesn't consist of just one scene.If you had a screenplay of this genre, what categories would you submit it in in screenplay contests?

*Does anybody have an example of a typical one-page pitch?

Thank you!!


Debra Holland

Great workshop! Wrote lots of notes. :) Although I don't know why people had to keep asking almost the SAME question (which he'd already answered in his workshop.) That really was a waste of time. I wanted to know if you could put a flashback into the holiday movie.

Donna Hoke

Debra, I have totally seen flashbacks in these movies!

Tony Gonzalez

Oh, there it is. Just wanted to ask if anybody has luck getting produced Hallmark scripts to read as samples of format, etc...?

Donna Hoke

I posted a separate question about this under craft and nobody has come up with any.

Tony Gonzalez

A rare animal, I presume.

Donna Hoke

They exist; they just don't get posted publicly.

Tony Gonzalez

The last clandestine thing I ever did was look for the pink Volkswagen in Arcadia so I could get the winners at Santa Anita...

Tony Gonzalez

Maybe Final Draft has that in their templates??? I will look, but my FD is not FD11...

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