Introduce Yourself : Hello by Annerley Saayers

Annerley Saayers


I'm Annerley Saayers an aspiring screenwriter. I've been fascinated with the arts for a long time. After years of service in he healthcare I decided to switch careers and dapple the arts. I received a paycheck for written works published under an alias in my younger years. My recent pursuits includes single Let It Go registered under BMI. My new year resolution is to pitch my features and or tv series projects- Mentored by Rodney Jones. I seek representation, am interested in branding. I wish everyone a joyous festive season. Stay safe. -Annerley

Taylor C. Baker

So happy to have you in the community Annerley Saayers! What an amazing switch in careers! Break a leg in your upcoming pitches! Our pitch sessions are a great place to start

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