Anything Goes : New Years 2021 by Luis R. Quintero

Luis R. Quintero

New Years 2021

What is one resolution or goal? Ready set go ....

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Luis! There are SO many resolutions! Oh... did you mean one I'm choosing? LOL!

Although, I did enjoy this article from the New York Times on "Downsizing" one's Resolutions: - it may be a fancy way of saying "manage your expectations", but after 2020, yeah, it makes sense to me!

Luis R. Quintero

K: LOL! Yes, that's why I said choose one. If that goal evolves, then it's all bonus!

Claude: Great goal! As for me, I will continue to mentor the next generation of storytellers. The young creators have amazing stories to tell. Who knows, my goal may evolve into me producing their next short film. ;)

Doug Nelson

Luis - born in 1993... you are one of the young creators. Paying it forward will forever keep you young.

Doug Nelson

My goal for 2021 is to resurrect my Independent Filmmaker's Showcase cable network show where I program and promote short Indie films and filmmakers. I am looking for content right now and invite any S32 filmmakers to contribute their work. We'll see how that goes among the S32 participants.

Yvette Kuhl

My goal is to find a writing partner, mainly for motivation and support but collaboration, too, if our wheels are spinning the same way. Doug Nelson Your showcase sounds incredible!

Luis R. Quintero

You are too kind Doug Nelson . I agree, helping others does feed the soul. Keep creating!

Yvette Kuhl keep searching! I suggest you reach out to members here on Stage32! I have already collaborated with a few and we have made some wonderful films together.

Sherry L. Peterson

Great question. My goal for 2021 is to keep creating and improving content. I have to throw in a second goal, because it's relative to my mental health. NO more zucchini bread. I made so much for my family during the pandemic, that it became one of the basic food groups. I hid it in everything! Best of luck to everyone in 2021. We've got this!!!

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