Your Stage : My Project with Jessica Biel & More by Sean Wright Neeley

Sean Wright Neeley

My Project with Jessica Biel & More

Hello, everyone. Jessica Biel directed this film short, Sodales, based on my essay. Liam Neeson voiced the teddy bear:

This gives you some idea of my storytelling abilities. I have a treasure trove of other stories to be filmed. A scriptwriter is working on the scripts, as I write this. Let me know if you're interested in our projects. There are many, and we need all the help we can get.


Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sean. How are you doing? Great to connect with you. Jessica Biel and Liam Neeson are big names. The short movie was entertaining and creative. It was creative how the villains were ordinary things. The movie was funny too.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

This is really fun.

Tasha Lewis

Welcome! Will do!

Karen "Kay" Ross

OMG, little girls play fighting like they are Gladiators?!? SO COOL! LOL! Did you write this, Sean, or write and produce it?

Sean Wright Neeley

Hi, Karen. Thanks! This short is based on my life with my playmate, as a child. I wrote the essay for Glamour magazine's contest, and Jessica Biel opted to make the film about it. It was her directorial debut. Mine was one of 3 winners that year. That's me and my playmate at the end as adults.

Maurice Vaughan

Sean, I liked how the film started off with kids, then ended with you and your playmate as adults.

Yolanda Keil

I love how this shows there are no limits with a childlike imagination ... the colander helmets, the twizzlers for bread, the sprinkler named “The Archer”, the wise teddy and the name Glamour Reel Moments. Very cool.

Dan MaxXx

Great job all around. Above the Line Talent, Cast & Crew.

Sean Wright Neeley

Thanks, everyone. Jessica & her crew did a fantastic job.

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