I remember my first movie quote that I went around repeating endlessly when I was ten or so.
I think I try too hard to write the next great quote instead of dialogue. This is usually my last pass on a draft – version 5 or so. I go over the line, go over the great quotes from all the books I read, looking for the next "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
The question is what comes first; the character or the great quote?
Did Jack Burton have to be ‘Jack Burton’ to make those lines great. Cuz I can’t imagine those lines from Indiana Jones.
Or did Lo Pan have to be the 10 foot weirdo to make his every line great? “And now, my beloved disciples. The moment of truth... the needle of love.”
As you can tell I have viewed a certain movie more than once. The screenplay is littered with quote bombs. Perfection.
So concentrate on making the scene hum or the great line?
I'd like to say "Hi'. Just joined and looking forward to meeting some great creative people.
Aray, revisit it and listen to the dialogue. Every funny quip fits the scene. Sometimes the lines are hidden in the action.
Hello Patrick. Small world. I have a feature that started a short; I was sitting on West Bloor when I got the idea - the Park Lawn Cemetery was across the street. Turned it into a horror feature
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Hi Peter, I'd say it's Character 1st.
Just like in real life ... we place more emphasis on things said by people --
-- we CARE ABOUT ...
-- we're INTERESTED IN ...
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I think a great line comes from a characters truth or it doesn't work.However the Yipee Kiay Mother-Fucker line was made up by Bruce Willis to make the crew laugh.And if you watch any old Errol Flynn movie he was made to say some of the worst lines ever written and nobody but Errol could of gotten away with.So onscreen talent to me can be more important than the script itself.
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Exactly. This is why it's so important to write stories and scripts that can draw A-list talent.
Great acting makes everyone look better and smarter.