Financing / Crowdfunding : Non Fiction Docu Series Financing by Leslie Bielanski

Leslie Bielanski

Non Fiction Docu Series Financing

Hello. I am new here to Stage 32. My husband and I started a production company in January and we plan to launch production on what we feel will be an 8-10 episode docu series this summer. We have production experience-over 40 years between us, a production deck, breakdown, and budget available. What I think we need is a production partner connected to financing and industry insiders. I am also planning on looking for sponsors. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated, especially since we are under a tight deadline. Thank you.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Leslie Bielanski Connect with me here and DM me. Also, consider attending the next Forum One on Feb 22, where we discuss the issues and challenges in independent film/series finance and distribution. Info and sign up at

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