Introduce Yourself : Max Bjork by Max Bjork

Max Bjork

Max Bjork


I created an account a few months ago, but never ended up posting anything. I am an amateur screenwriter that spends most of his time working on the monthly short screenwriting competition that I started.

I just want to say hello! It's exciting how many talented people use this website.


Jessica B

Hi Max, I am an emerging screenwriter too. I just checked out screenwriting battle and it looks great! Talk about gamifying screenwriting :) I have been looking for inspiration for a short, this looks like just the thing!

Max Bjork

Hello! Thanks Jessica that's so kind haha and that's exactly what I set out to do. "Gamify" screenwriting and kind of give everyone an oppurtunity to improve.

Too many people spend months (even years) on writing without ever getting any feedback on anything they write.

Audrey Webb

Hi, Max! I'll check out your site. I learned a lot about screenwriting from a monthly competition I used to participate in -- MoviePoet -- it's now defunct, but it really helped me grow and also introduced me to a lot of people who I now count as friends in real life! :)

Mora Rahgozar

Hi Max... I'm looking for my next short to direct. Years of experience - not anything current to show off as a director *As Have been spending my creative sources on other peoples creative projects.... You must have/know of some good stories. Would love to connect:)

Kira George

Hello Max. Nice to meet you.

Jake Ahles

I feel ya, Max. Been on S32 for a while, haven't done much with it. Congrats on starting a screenwriting comp - looking forward to checking it out!

Amanda Toney

We always say you get out what you put in to Stage 32 and we have had incredible successes from people who treat networking like a job. I'm glad you guys Jake Ahles and Max Bjork are using Stage 32 for the tool that it is and getting yourself out there. We also say "nothing good comes from hiding in the shadows", so looking forward to seeing what you guys are all working on!

Max Bjork

Hi Audrey Webb! Very cool. I haven't heard of MoviePoet, but anything that gets writers together to help each other out is great. I participated in a single NYC Midnight competition, and the forums on that have helped me plenty.

Thanks Mora Rahgozar! Right now I'm just reading other people's scripts and giving feedback. I definitely need to write more. Great to connect on here though :)

Kira George & Jake Ahles - Nice to meet you both. This Stage 32 website is really impressive actually. I like these forums, and everyone seems really friendly. Even with shameless self-promotion. That's rare. Let me know if you end up checking it out, Jake. I can answer any questions.

Thanks Amanda Toney :)

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