Introduce Yourself : Let me introduce myself by Dimitrios Aletras

Dimitrios Aletras

Let me introduce myself

Hi everyone, Nice to e-meet you all. I am a relatively new screenwriter but not a new storyteller. I have been telling stories since I was a kid and that lead me into 15 year career as a communications and marketing executive for brands like Airbnb to W Hotels. Due to covid, my job market was hit hard and after many months I decided it’s high time I stop telling others stories and tell my own. So, hear I am... I have a few projects on the works and always looking forward to meeting new people, getting insights, and recommendations for competitions or writing contests. Thanks. Dimitrios

Laura Atares

Hi, Dimitros! Nice to meet you

Thomas Dworschak

Hello Dimitrios, I don't know much myself, but I'm happy to share what I've picked up. I wish you all the best in these times.

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