Introduce Yourself : Animator, Content Creator and creative story teller by Kim Allen

Kim Allen

Animator, Content Creator and creative story teller

Hi Everyone!

I'm an Animator, content creator and published author. I've worked in the animation industry in Australia for over 15 years. Now based in Brisbane, I have built up a catalogue of content and ideas that I'm eager to develop. Crafting, learning and networking feed inspiration into creation.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome, Kim. Great to connect. That's a cool art picture. Is it a character in your project?

Kim Allen

Maurice Vaughan Thanks, great to connect to you too. Yes, this character is a concept piece for a project that I'm developing.

Maurice Vaughan

Kim, it is a Spy, Action, or Adventure type of Animation project?

Kim Allen

Its an comedy adventure, with a 'Spy' hero.

Maurice Vaughan

Series or film?

Kim Allen

Developed as a series.

Sebastian DiGirolomo

The character concept looks cool. I do voice over, so whenever you need a character to be voiced in this spy project your working on, I would help.

Billy Kwack


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