Over the last year or so I have developed a good, working and professional relationship with a fairly established producer. I recently sent them a script that they liked a lot but it does not fit their slate. They did recommend another producer who's work I very much admire. My question is, is it good or bad etiquette to politely ask if they're able or willing to make an introduction so that I can send the second producer the script? I do not have representation, so the most direct paths available to me are my relationships and network of contacts.
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That is good etiquette, and it may also get your work looked at more seriously.
Thank you
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Personal relationships are the foundation of this industry. Learn to work 'em to your advantage but always be mindful of common courtesy. There's nothing wrong with politely inquiring.
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Agreed, if they've recommended you to them, it would be a good move to request a recommendation to them about you. I typically do email intros so I can control what email they use and I can confirm the context of the introduction (i.e. no going off book and sharing an entire slate LOL).
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Thanks for your responses everyone. I did my asking (politely) and my script is being shared.
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Ditto what Karen Ross said! Good luck Christian!